Monday, August 9, 2010

Garden Fresh Salsa

I was never much of a fan of salsa until a few years ago when we came across Sister's Salsa which is made in Blue Hill, Maine (not far from here). We didn't buy it just because it was local, but because it was clearly made of fresh veggies. It didn't have any sauce, it wasn't pureed, it was tomatoes, onions, bits of jalapeno and a tangy tasty juice that I would regularly slurp down once the salsa proper was gone. That being said, its also kind of pricey at around $4-5 a 14oz bucket. But as Michael Pollan has said "Pay more, eat less."

Well the tomatoes have been coming in for a few weeks now and I've been working on my salsa recipe and I think I've duplicated the Sister's Salsa. I started with the ingredients on the bucket and added (and recorded) until I had something that tasted pretty damn good. I thought I would share it with you.

Garden Fresh Salsa

1.5 lb of tomatoes (4-6 depending on size) cut small (makes scooping easier)
1/2 a jalapeƱo (or the whole thing if you like it hotter)
1 t salt
3/4 C Onion (minced)
1.5 T apple cider vinegar
1.5 t lemon juice
1 t lime juice
1 clove garlic (I'm lazy so I press it)
1.5 T minced cilantro leaves.

I think salsa is definitely a personal thing and you may want this hotter, or tangier or maybe you want green peppers in it. Go ahead and adjust, just record what you do so you can make it over and over again. Happy Summer Eating!

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