Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why buy local?

This evening I had another experience to reinforce eating locally. I had a hamburger. I purchased the meat from Grassland Farm (Skowhegan, Me) which is also where we get our milk and eggs from. I didn't do anything fancy, no seasonings or such. I just made five patties from the pound of hamburg I bought and fried them in a bit of olive oil. I'm a fan of condiments so after tasting the very tasty burger plain I put it on some homemade bread along with a bit of ketchup, mustard and relish.

"ZOMG" I think is the modern expression. It was fabulous. It was tasty. It was local (which makes it mentally fresh) from a farm I believe in and know the owners of. It was also fabulous because I haven't had a burger in months. The cost means I buy it less, so I eat it less so I enjoy it all the more. Eating locally has constraints, it can limit you, but those constraints can also enrich your life. Or maybe this is just me seeing the glass as half full...and the hamburger as wonderfully tasty!

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