Thursday, May 13, 2010

Getting caught up

Well the time has come to catch a bit with the goings ons of the home. First, I've set up the water barrel. Nothing fancy at the moment, just the downspout funneled into a barrel. Access to the water is gained by the use of a siphon (aka discarded garden hose). I plan to add a bit of screen to keep out debris as well.

I've also set up some potato buckets. Eight buckets (1$ each from LaBrie's Bakery) and $1.89 in potatoes. I drilled a bunch of holes and placed a sheet of newspaper in the bottom of the bucket (to prevent the soil from leaking out?) and then used composted manure to put the cut up potatoes in. The buckets are nice so far as I can move the buckets around the driveway to capture as much sunlight as possible. We'll see how they turn out.

So I've started demolishing some of our driveway. The hope is to reclaim some land for planting raspberry bushes and also for creating a patio area.

There's more, but I'll save it for upcoming posts.

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